Trouble logging in?

Choose which option applies to you:

If you’ve forgotten your security details, enter your username or email in the box below.
If we can find a matching account with an email address you’ve confirmed with us, we’ll email you with more instructions and a link to reset your password.

We’ll send a maximum of three of these emails in any ten minute window and no more than ten a day.

Forgotten your username or email?

Get in touch with your usual Barnett Waddingham contact or send us a message.

Unfortunately if you are logging into BWebstream with your organisation email address, we will not be able to remind you of your login details; you will need to contact the organisation directly.

If you would like to swap to using a personal account and have been told your conversion code, enter it below.

If you previously had an account and cannot log in, it may have been deactivated.
If you have a registration key for a new service, enter it below.

About BWebstream

BWebstream is Barnett Waddingham’s online platform for delivering services to our clients and professional contacts through the web.

Find out more

With interactive tools, videos and bitesize information Me2 is here to help you learn and plan for now and the future.

Keeping your data secure

Barnett Waddingham takes the protection of our clients' data very seriously.

Find out more
Me2 Support

If you need any help, get in touch.

Phone: 0344 4430101
